Monday, January 19, 2009

1999 the making!

Hey Everyone! I started this so that we can all see what's going on with our reunion this year. Lisa and I are getting all the details together as we speak. It's going to be in October...and that's all I have for now! This will be updated as we have more info! So excited to see all of you!!!


  1. I can't believe that it is almost here! I surely don't feel old enough!

  2. i know, i agree with you Tawnya. hey do i get in contact with you and lisa butters? i've been trying t ofind you guys to just keep incontact after all these years!!!

  3. Thanks for the site info Tawnya. I can not believe that it has been ten yrs. Me and Crystal are trying to throw a pre reunion party at Iguana Macks on Alma School and Knox this Friday at 8 pm. Shoot me an email if any of you can make it. ttyl

  4. It's so good to see all of you- this is so exciting. You can get a hold of me by e-mail. Veronica- you and your little girl are so cute!

  5. Good God we're oldies but goodies ... 10 years already? I am so ready for our reunion - I have no doubt it'll top all previous years!
